Seeking truth 心的挣扎 (41) 文革与人性
Culture revolution and human nature

但 自 在 脱 就 却 不 这 已 浪 
是 由 蓝 了 像 无 愿 是 不 迹
无 一 蓝 线 一 处 归 一 属 天
目 一 的 的 支 归 还 群 于 涯
的 一 天 风 支 宿 一 忘 中 的
地 一 上 筝 一 的 一 却 国 中
飞 一 一 一 一 群 一 来 一 国
翔 一 一 一 一 体 一 处 一 人
不归人 (A person who will not return)



事实上干部,官员和名流被老百姓打了几下屁股, 游了几次街的文化革命,与几百万(几千万?) 农民被活活饿死的三年大饥荒,几百万国民党旧职人员和农村的地主、富农被枪毙的肃反土改,几十万右派流放西北,抛骨荒原的反右运动比起来实在是小儿科。

那么为什么文化革命被作为毛泽东的主要罪状,而且被炒作成中国解放后最恐怖的运动? 其原因就因为文化革命整肃的主要是共产党的官员和社会名流。
为什么著名作家巴金要建立文化革命博物馆,而不是三年饥荒死难者记念馆,或者右 派死难者纪念馆,肃反死难者纪念馆?就因为他本人在文化革命中尝到了无产阶级 专政的滋味。而在别的运动中, 他即便不是一个写过文章叫好的帮凶, 也至少是一个旁观者。

已故国家主席刘少奇被迫害时曾经抗议说我还是一个党员,还是一个公民。不知他那 个时候,是否想到,那些被他曾经整肃的人也是党员,也是公民,他们也是人,不 能被作为动物对待。 如果刘少奇的认识只停留在我整肃别人永远是对的,别人整肃 我永远是错误的,那么他到死也未彻悟, 他离现代文明道德的水平还差之千里。

there are black cloud full ofresentment
around thousands miles nothern to yellow river

Is the cultural revolution the largest holocaust to Chinese people after the liberation?

As a matter of fact, compared with those millions of (tens millions of ?) farmers who were starved to death during the three-year famine millions of former employees of Guo Ming Dang, landlords in villages, and rich peasants who were executed by shooting in the great purges and land reform campaign,

hundreds of thousands right wings who were exiled to the northwest, and people who died in the wilderness in the anti-rightist campaign, those Chinese communist party officials who were being hit a little and being led through the streets for public warning was nothing at all.

Why was the cultural revolution considered as Mao Zedong's main accusation and speculation into China's movement of the liberation the most terrible campaign? The reason for this is because the main characters of the Communist purges of the cultural revolution were officials and celebrities.

That is because he had tasted of the proletarian dictatorship during the cultural revolution. But in other campaigns, he was only an onlooker, or even an accomplice.

Perhaps this is what Christians said about the original sin that, one is being indifferent to others ' pain, persecution, and tragic death, but can never forget about his suffering. The modern civilization and autocracy may be distinguished here. The modern civilization recognized that if you don't protect others' rights, then you will lose your own rights. To other people, "I" always the "He". As long as "He" is protected, then "I" will be safe.

The late Chinese President, Liu Shaoqi, when he was being persecuted, he protested that he was still a citizen. I don't know if he ever thought that at that moment, those who were being sufaned by him were also the party members, citizens, and persons, and couldn't be treated as animals. If one thinks that it is right to sufan others and being sufaned is wrong, then he will never understand it thoroughly even until he dies.

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